General terms and conditions and data protection
The website it is owned by Masmet Enterprises Ltd. By using this domain, you confirm that you are of legal age (18 years old) and accept the terms and conditions of the company. In case you do not agree with the legal parameters or do not meet the legal age for participation in gambling, you must stop using our site.
Copyright Notice
All texts, images, graphics, videos and audio recordings, as well as the domain name and the design of the website are protected by the statutes of the Law 22/11 on Intellectual Property, in the legislation on copyright in New Zealand, so the use of the material present in this website is strictly prohibited.
without the consent of the company, he will be punished in civil and criminal matters. It is forbidden to copy, download, modify, reproduce, falsify or publish the content of the domain without prior explicit authorization from the company. Our website also uses the trademarks and logos of third-party companies, used exclusively for illustration. In case of infringement of the corresponding copyright, we ask to be informed about it. Once the commission of an infringement has been notified to us, the material in question will be deleted immediately.
Responsibility for the content
All information published on our website has been investigated with the utmost care and scrutiny. However, we do not assume any responsibility for the topicality, completeness or accuracy of the present contents. it is not a gaming operator, but simply an information portal for the online casino industry and therefore all the mentioned offers have no guarantee or commitment whatsoever on our part. Likewise, we do not assume any responsibility for any damage, loss of data, viruses, spyware, or similar derived from the use or non-use of the information present here or the use of websites of external companies. By using our site, you confirm that the use of it is at your own risk.
Guarantee by referral
Our Web domain contains links to external portals, over which we have no control and therefore cannot assume any responsibility. At the time of making the link, no obvious legal violations were recorded. We regularly check all external sites, although it is not possible for us to guarantee that they have not made any changes. In case of legal misconduct, we will delete the respective links immediately. The user/ reader is also obliged to read the terms and conditions of each online casino before opening a respective account.
Data protection
The defense of the privacy of our users / readers is one of our highest priorities, which is why we strictly adhere to the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD). In general, we do not collect any personal information, unless the user/ reader voluntarily provides it, and for no reason will we transmit such information to third parties, without the prior written consent of the user. The foregoing can only occur in the event of a merger, sale or purchase of our company or in the event of a legal request by the competent authorities. If you do not agree with our privacy policy, please refrain from providing us with sensitive data. Please note here that data transmissions on the Internet may have security vulnerabilities, over which we have no influence. We assume no responsibility for damages resulting from such security gaps.
Use of Cookies
On our website we use cookies to analyze the usage behavior of our readers and consequently improve the content of the page. Cookies are text files that are stored on the computer and generate anonymous information about the behavior of visitors. This can be the number of pages viewed, the time spent, the region from where the page is visited, the type of browser, etc.