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Learn all about Punto y Banca with our review

The new machine designed by Playtech promises a good amount of prizes up to 9:1 . Playing Punto y Banco baccarat is one of the favorite experiences for Spaniards. Access our complete review and learn how to play for free and for real money.

Punto y Banca game developed by Playtech to play in New Zealand online casinos.
RTP of the 93,55%
Play Punto y Banca at our recommended casino.
*Advertising / 18+ / The general terms apply to all offers. Click on the orange button to consult them in full. Play responsibly.

What you will read below is a detailed and detailed review of the fundamental aspects of this game for online casinos. We will explain each relevant point of the title so that you achieve master it with the demo version and take the big leap for real money with a casino that we recommend.

Play Punto y Banca for free

If you have not had much experience playing the different variants of baccarat, then you will be glad to know that we bring you the unique opportunity to try the free demo version . This version is exactly the same as the paid one and gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with its basic functions.

One of the things to take advantage of when playing Punto y Banca for free is that you will be able to try all the possibilities it offers . This, in addition to allowing you to master the machine, will give you the idea of the things you can do and develop strategies for when you take the leap for real money.

Cover of the Punto y Banco baccarat game.

At the beginning of the game you will have to choose first what bets do you want to set . The first is of the quantitative order. In other words, you will have to choose how much money you will put on the table to duel with the dealer. The maximum amount is 5$ while the smallest is 0.01$.

Then it is important to know where you will place the bet. Unlike other card games, in Punto y Banco you can place your bet for you or against you. So you could winning if the bank does . In addition, you can set multiple bets although it is not the most recommended.

All the rules you need to play

Very well, we have already advanced enough information about this particular title developed by Playtech. Be time to deepen those concepts so that you become a winner. If you already have experience playing the blackjack then it will not be difficult for you to master the Point and Bank.

The only thing that needs to to know are some mathematical accounts and number games with the cards that will come out so that you will not be surprised by the different variants that the gameplay of the baccarat . Being that you will not always be dealt the same cards as the dealer, you have to be attentive and keeping the accounts.

In baccarat whoever is closest to the 9 wins . Both will be dealt two cards. These usually add up to 9, the top cards up to K add up to zero. If you exceed 9 in the sum, the last number is counted. That is, if you add 15, you will be counted 5.

Provider Playtech
Hand 1
Minimum bets 0,01$
Banking commission 5%
Other rules No
RTP 93,55%
Looking at cards No
Side bets No
Betting on banker and player Yes
Best casino with Punto y Banco Betsson

Depending on the sum of the games of each one, yours and the bank, it is possible that either or both of you receive a third letter . This depends on each situation and each case. In the “help” section of the game, you can check the table that will tell you when this will happen depending on the cards that come out.

As we told you at the beginning, you can betting on you, in favor of the banker or the tie . The rules follow each other in the same way, the only thing that changes is where the money goes in case of winning or losing. Both player and banker pay 2:1, but if you bet on a draw and get it right, you can win 9:1.

Play Punto y Banca for real money

Now that you've learned to play it only remains to take the big step and play Punto y Banca for real money. In addition to the operator that we recommend in this review, you can also find the game on Sportium with an attractive selection of games.

This version of the traditional card game brings with it a pleasant and attractive animation to the player . Being able to change the color of the cloth to a shade that one appreciates more, the developers of Playtech have strived to satisfy a greater number of players around the world.

While the betting margin is not so wide, as if it can happen in other games of the style of slot , this version of baccarat awards 2:1 prizes when the player and the banker win minus the 5% bank commission also known as "vigorish" and 9:1 when you hit the tie.

If you have already played other titles of this game or blackjack developed by this casino software provider, then it will be very easy for you to understand the graphic aspects of the title. In each hand you can rebost as in the previous hand or start a new hand. Everything is made for your comfort

RTP of the 93,55% from the supplier Playtech
*Advertising / 18+ / The general terms apply to all offers. Click on the orange button to consult them in full. Play responsibly.