Fraudulent betting report 2021
The International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA), which brings together the largest and most important bookmakers in the international arena, has published its suspicious betting alerts report for 2021. The preliminary examination announces 236 alerts, which is a decrease of 13%, 34 alerts, compared to the previous year. Despite the decrease IBIA points out that the number of alerts remains in the same line as in previous years. All alerts registered by IBIA are communicated to the competent authorities of each country.
Suspicions of fraudulent betting fall, but rise in football
The IBIA has published its annual betting alerts report. Two figures stand out above the rest. Fraudulent betting alerts are down in 2021 compared to the previous year. It is about 236 alerts in total, which is a decrease of 13% , that is, of 34 alerts, in front of the 270 registered during 2020 .
The other relevant figure concerns bets with football, because it has been in football where IBIA has registered a greater increase due to suspicions of fraud . In this specific case, there have been 66 alerts during the year, which represents an increase of 8% compared to the 61 alerts registered in 2020. This figure is a historical record. Anyway, tennis continues to be the sport that concentrates the majority of alerts, with 80 registered in 2021.
Sports betting fraud alerts by sports :
- Bets with tennis: 80
- Bets on football: 66
- Bets with table tennis: 40
- Esports betting: 30
- Bets on basketball: 7
- Volleyball betting: 6
Source: IBIA
The following sports have recorded a single alert during 2021 : ice hockey, beach volleyball, cricket, futsal, squash, handball, horse racing.
The IBIA is pleased with the decrease in the number of alerts, although it warns that the figure remains consistent with the 2018-2020 period that registered around 240 alerts per year .
By continents the alerts are distributed like this
- Europe: 118
- North America: 10
- South America: 17
- Africa: 18
- Asia: 43
Source: IBIA
Highlights the concentration of suspicious bets in Europe , much more pronounced than on the rest of the continents. In Europe, the majority of alerts concern football (29) and tennis (37). 9 of the tennis betting fraud alerts come from New Zealand and 1 from football betting. While Russia registers the highest number of alerts in a country with 27, spread over basketball (6), table tennis (15), football (5) and ice hockey (1).
Africa registers an increase in alerts especially in football (9) ; while despite the low number of fraud alerts in South America, Brazil is notable for having registered up to 11 alerts in futsal (1), beach volleyball (1) and football (7).
Perhaps it is also relevant to highlight that in Asia there have been no alerts for suspected fraud in table tennis, a very popular sport on the Asian continent and to which bookmakers always pay attention. However, table tennis betting appears to be the subject of fraudulent moves in Europe : Germany, Russia and Ukraine concentrate all alerts: 11, 15, and 14 respectively. Important numbers that give the impression that they could be related to some organized crime scheme.