Very good results for Luckia in 2021
Luckia has published the data corresponding to the 2021 financial year and in the last quarter of the year the Spanish gambling company managed to recover the turnover of 2019, that is, it would have reached pre-pandemic levels. This is excellent news for the igaming sector in our country. In another order of things, Luckia will raise a hub digital that will work as the company's headquarters in A Coruña.

The casinos and face-to-face gaming salons of the Spanish company Luckia have recovered the volume of business prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Luckia's online channel has also proven to be in good shape and is expected to double its numbers during this exercise. ©Kaysha/Unsplash
Since 1972 Luckia has been present in the gaming sector in New Zealand. First by installing arcade machines in premises and then with the opening of their own gaming halls. Today, Luckia has established itself as one of the most prestigious online casinos in the Spanish market. It is about one of the leading gaming companies in our country .
Like others in the field, Luckia was also hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in a way that recovery has been slow and difficult. However, the latest numbers published by the company invite optimism . During the last quarter of last year Luckia would have recovered the sales volume of 2019.
Luckia returns to pre-pandemic levels and the digital channel grows
2020 was an especially hard year for Luckia. The profit before taxes (EBITDA) closed that year with a positive balance of 11 million euros. In 2019 Luckia had closed the balance sheet with a positive ebitda of 43.8 million. The turnover it fell by 25% because of the restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. All companies in the sector they suffered similar recessions .
CeJuego, the employer of the sector, made a very negative balance of the sector in the period from 2019 to 2021. However, at the end of last year they already began to glimpse the first signs of recovery , as has been the case with another Spanish company, Codere, which has reported net income from the game that reached 85% of pre-Covid figures .
Also for Luckia, the last quarter of 2021 has been that of recovery. According to information released by the company itself, the sales volume would have recovered to reach the levels of 2019. The forecasts for this year are for sustained growth , although the current conflict in Ukraine that is causing high inflation it means that growth will not translate into profitability.
In part, Luckia has managed to maintain itself during 2020 and the first half of 2021 with betting shops closed or subject to strong restrictions thanks to the online channel that it is expected to double its numbers this year . Also in Latin America, especially Peru and Chile (Luckia Arica), at the end of last year the face-to-face game managed to recover from the break. Luckia holds a license from the Colombian regulator Coljuegos to operate online in Colombia, which happens to be the most important online gambling market in Latin America.
Digital hub and group headquarters in A Coruña
The place chosen for the brand new headquarters of the group will be the industrial estate of A Grela and very close to the Marineda City leisure center in A Coruña. The investment will be around 15 million euros for an area of 25,000 square meters .
José González, president of the group, he declared to be very excited faced with a project of such characteristics and that is at the forefront of digital and technological innovation in the region of Galicia:
“We are very excited about this project because it confirms the importance of the well-being of its employees and the company's own sustainability for Luckia. Our goal is to create a unique and coherent work environment with the new social reality, which allows constant innovation in digital products and strengthens our omnichannel presence.”
The idea is that the hub become a pole of training and development from industry professionals in areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital marketing and software development. Its inauguration is scheduled for 2024.