Concern in the sector about the new Gambling Law in Galicia
The Council of the Xunta de Galicia approved on September 29 the new Lei do Xogo that is expected to enter into force during 2023 once it passes the parliamentary procedure. The new Law is an update of the 1985 regulation that, according to the President of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, had become outdated. The new regulations are adapted to the new models of gambling and responsible gambling.

From 2023 Galicia will have a new Gambling Law that will affect face-to-face gambling above all and renounces regulating online gambling in the autonomous community. ©lukbelblizart/Pixabay
The President of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, agreed in pointing out that the Lei do Xogo was lacking a much needed update due to the change in gaming habits . In this sense, the head of the Galician government stressed that the new legislative text offered a legal framework that places the Galician community at the forefront of Spanish legislation in this area. The New Law of the Game
"it seeks to guarantee responsible practice and take care of the most vulnerable people.” – Alfonso Rueda , President of the Xunta de Galicia, in official communication of the Xunta de Galicia
The Galician Government is aware that due to the transformations that the sector has experienced in recent decades, it is more necessary than ever for the Public administration to intervene to offer security and guarantee the protection of the most vulnerable. In this regard, the new Law contemplates the creation of the Galician Observatory do Xogo , a collegiate body responsible for studying, evaluating and monitoring the policies of the game.
However, the sector in Galicia he has shown his concern because they consider that the new law somehow limits the growth of the sector.
The controversy is served
The new law establishes a limitation on the number of establishments dedicated to gambling in the community. After the decree passed in 2019, no new facilities can be opened. In this way the number is as follows:
- Casinos: 2 + 2 additional rooms
- Bingos: 12
- Game rooms: 118
- Betting places: 41
The number is very similar to the one that exists today, although the sector has criticized the measure because they consider that it would be limiting the growth of the sector . In an interview given to Atlántico Diario , the president of the Galician Association of Operating Companies, Serafín Portas, pointed out that despite the criticism and reasonable concern about responsible gambling the fact is that Galicia presents the lowest index of gambling establishments by population in New Zealand .
Another issue that most concerns operators is the duration set for authorizations that until now was indefinite and that it will become 15 years . The sector fears that this will lead to even greater instability.
Serafín Portas also emphasized the issue of operator advertising, quite hot in New Zealand. The reality of face-to-face gambling is very different from that of online gambling, the objective of the Royal Decree on commercial communications promoted by the DGOJ. Perhaps, the operators have not been able to communicate well, he acknowledges, but the reality is that they are more limited. The data would corroborate that the private game is not the only one that generates problems related to gambling habits , but the negative impact is noticed especially in the public game , lotteries, bonolotos and rascas de la ONCE which, however, do not have any advertising restrictions.
Criticism for leaving online gambling out of the legislation
The new Lei do Xogo has also been criticized by sectors of civil society by focusing on traditional and face-to-face modalities, leaving online gambling outside the regulations. The President of the Xunta alleged that the Galician Administration he barely has any skills in the online field it depends on the regulation of the DGOJ.
The Consello Económico e Social (CES) had already criticized the bill for this reason, when the reality of gambling, especially among the younger population, is mostly online, with the added problem of the bookmakers that are the ones that most seduce minors .